Just Another Day in Paradise

Just Another Day in Paradise
Just the crazy life of a neurotic father and husband married to an angel from Heaven and raising two wonderful gifted children.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Child Or An Enemy?

With all the recent hate since 9/11, the shooting at Ft. Hood, and lets not forget the war that’s going on, there has been much stress between Muslims and Americans lately. 

I had hoped it wouldn’t get into the grade school realm and affect my children, but it finally has.  And my children have been asking me some pretty tough questions about “Are some religions of the devil?” “Are all people who are this religion bad?” “Daddy, what religion is right and which ones are wrong?”  “Dad, is the world going to end in 2012?” And the lists of questions go on and on and on.  So I though I would address it in my blog and try to sort it all out, even though I have no idea what the right answer to these questions are.  But for the sake of my children, I have to try to answer them.

So, after much prayer for wisdom and knowledge, this is what I believe the Holy Spirit has shown me.  (Yes, there is a Holy Spirit, as well as millions of spirits, demons, and entities in other realms we don’t see).

It seems like every denomination of faith has a belief that people can only go to paradise or heaven, if all people believe in their way, according to their “Bible” or writings.  There is constant fighting and arguing over who is right and who is misguided by a false belief.

Every “religion” can point to “other religions” or beliefs and list pages of evil deeds and actions carried out by people of their belief.  They can also counter by listing pages and pages of good and noble actions that were carried out by people of their own belief.  These different religions can go on forever pointing out good and bad things about each other without ever coming to a conclusion (and we are constantly doing this daily even to this very minute).   I could do this also, but my blog would never end.  So, with just a few examples and comments that I have decided to share with my children, I will share with you. 

In the New Testament in the Book of Acts, a man by the name of Cornelius, who is neither Jewish nor Christian, nor of any “religious brand” other than being a Roman citizen because he didn’t know Jesus even existed, for no one had ever told him about Jesus.  In Acts 10:1-2, it says, “In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer names Cornelius, who was a captain of the Italian Regiment. He was a devout, God fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor and prayed regularly to God.”

One day while Cornelius was praying he was visited by one of God’s angels and told “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have been received by God as an offering.”

After Cornelius’s vision the apostle Peter is prompted by the Holy Spirit to go visit him.   Then after Peter visits him, he says, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.”

Peter then shares the Good News about Jesus with him, “…that everyone who believes in him will have their sins forgiven through his name.  Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message.” (Acts 10:43-44). 

So, it clearly shows that God hears and pays attention to anyone who prays to him and he notices people who do good deeds and help their fellow man, the poor, and the needy,  even if they have never heard of Jesus or belong to certain named religious groups.

And even Jesus said to his followers and the other people listening, “I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also.  They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.”
(John 10:16)

In Matthew 7:1 Jesus says, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you us in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.”

The apostle Paul give an example that shows only God ultimately decides who receives mercy and compassion. Romans 9:15 For God said to Moses, “I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.”

So we can argue and throw scriptures and writings from all kind of books and bibles all day long, but when it comes down to the end, God will decide what happens to us.

The message I give my children is that God speaks to individual people, not groups or denominations.  He has children that he has chosen to adopt in every named faith and belief and enemies that belong to every named faith and belief.  I tell them they will have to examine the facts, talk with God, and then decide whether they are a child or an enemy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Glass Is Now Half Full

I previously wrote about how my wife and kids always find joy in every circumstance they encounter and how I was going to strive to see things from their perspective.  I think I finally figured out their way of thinking.  It's not really their way of thinking, it's God's way of thinking. They know that God is with them constantly everyday and they trust that he is in control of all things that happen to them. 

I realized something was different about my wife from the first day I met her.  She was living in the worst circumstances, yet she had an attitude of joy and peace I can't even start to describe.  I met her in the finals of a nine-ball tournament in a pool hall and she totally beat my pants off.  Then she was using the money to buy food and things for homeless people in the city of Houston.  I started seeing her at every pool tournament and became friends with her.  As I got to know her I realized she was homeless herself, but she lived, dressed, held herself up like she was the richest person on earth.  I found out that she had been engaged to be married to a prestigious young man who her family picked for her. A magnificent wedding was planned and relatives from all over the country and out of the country flew in for it. Then on the day of this fairy tale wedding, the groom didn't show up.  He had decided at the last minute that he wasn't ready for marriage and he left town.  Her entire family lost face with the community and were shamed.  Her family blamed her, saying the groom bailed out because she wasn't good enough for him or that she had done something to cause him to change his mind.  They banned her from their home and told her she had to leave the household because she had brought disgrace upon them.  With no job, no money, just the clothes on her back and a beat up old Toyota Celica, she drove to the community college she was attending and parked in their student parking lot. A few days later the car quit running and so she walked everywhere she went and slept in her car at night.

But, even with all had happened to her, she was still joyful, smiling, constantly working to feed and help the people living on the street that she said were less fortunate than her.  They didn't even have a broke down car to sleep in like she did, she said.  She was earning enough money from pool tournaments each month to rent a apartment, but she chose to use it to help the less fortunate rather than use it to make her own life more comfortable. 

Then one day I didn't see her at the pool tournament.  She had gotten a job, got her car fixed and was going to college full time now. But she still continued to help the poor and the less fortunate on the street all she could.  This is the girl I fell in love with.  And though she turned down my first three proposals, she finally said yes to my fourth one. 

Now we have a cute little house, a van, and two wonderful children who have the same joy and perspective she has.  And when something bad happens, no matter how bad it seems, they always find the good in it. 

When the hurricane came, knocked out the electricity and water for months, tore part of our house down, and demolished everything that was outside, they rejoiced.  "Now we can try out our new camping equipment and tents!", they shouted.  And for the next two months they were joyous everyday, as they struggled to live, eat, and sleep under the stars.  They spent their time helping the neighbors and looking for other people that needed help.

Even now, out house is still not all in one piece.  The floors are without carpet.  Water leaks through our roof.  Junk is piled up everywhere and most of our things are destroyed.  The insurance didn't pay enough to fix everything that needed repairing.  Yet, my family goes on living like their the most blessed people on the earth.  Like my little girl says, "We still have each other." 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Perspective: Is the glass half full or half empty?

I haven't had a chance to blog much lately (not that anyone's reading them).

It seems like I'm going through one storm after another. And right after I get my wind back after having my breath knocked out of me, I get hit with another punch I didn't see coming and I'm down again.

So I always go and talk to my best friend about my problems (and my only friend right now) this guy names Jesus.  Now sometimes he just puts his arms around me and lets me know everything is going to be alright, but sometimes he laughs at me and says, "Don't take yourself so seriously."

I guess if I could stand back and see my problems from a different perspective, I might laugh to.  But when your in the mist of the storm, your mind is spinning around, and you feel like you might not make it another day, it just seems hard for me to laugh.

On the other hand, my wife and kids are being hit with the same things, and they respond like it's just a joke.  No matter what happens, how bad it is, how much they are hurting, they will find a way to minimize it and go on rejoicing like they had just won the lottery.

So, lately, I've been trying to study them and determine what makes them so resilient to everything.

The answer I think I've come up with is "perspective".

They have a whole different perspective about life.  We are all believers in God and Christ Jesus, but their belief is simple and childlike (of course 2 of them are children and the wife is still really a child who never grew up).

They know that forgiveness of their sins and mistakes are wiped out because of what Jesus did for them, and they respond to that fact with thankfulness and joy.  That's where their joy and uncanny happiness comes from.  For them, it doesn't come from what happens or doesn't happen.  It doesn't come from what they get or don't get.  They rejoice in the fact that their names are written in Gods "Book of Life" and that it can never be erased.  Then they respond with the attitude of "I've got nothing to lose", "If God is for me, who can be against me?"

They live with the expectation that God will provide what I need and want, and that little problems and setbacks in life are just little bumps in the road that are just a part of life.  By happening, they just help them enjoy the blessings that come later even more.

I have a different perspective when we "hit a bump".  My perspective is "I must have done something to piss God off, and now he has left me to reap what I sowed."  I know he forgives me, but I feel like I still must pay for my mistakes.  Then guilt, self-image problems, and "Look out! The sky is falling".

So, I have decided (with the help of God and my family) to try and start looking at things from a different perspective the way they do and see what happens.

And so if anyone is reading this, check back and I will update the situation and let you know what results follow.

Peace Out

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Love is a verb???

MIAMI BEACH, FL - JUNE 11:  Andy Lurie partici...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Love is a verb and a feeling: 5 questions to ask yourself when your amygdala has hijacked your brain

I thought this was an interesting article about the amygdala, the part of the brain that which manages and controls our emotions and effect our cognitive functions. It does this when a person feels fear, stress, threatened, or hurt in some way.

Now I get it. That's why I tend to get numb and non-emotional when those kinds of things happen. But I just hide it the best I can and "put on a happy face", as the commercial song goes.

But why does my wonderful family genuinely continue praising God and being joyful , always seeing the bright side when those kinds of things happen to them?

I asked my wife that question, and she simply said, "I just choose to." In other words, she has chooses not to let fear, pain, and threats control the ways she feels. And my two precious kids do the same thing. (Probably learned it from Mom).

The concept seems to be true. At times when I feel threatened or hurt, I close down my emotions and focus only on my own needs and feelings, thus, shutting out everyone else, which causes me to shut out and not make an effort to fully relate to my wife and kids (or anyone else) the way I should. Of course, I put on a happy face and attempt to join in the rejoicing, because I don't want to "rain on their parade and put out their joy, because they really have a gift when it comes to overcoming problems and adversity. The worse it gets for them, the stronger their joy.

So as I continue to ask God to change me somehow to be more like them. I worry about things that don't matter and get stressed out over little things that do matter, but I can't do anything about.  So, God, in Jesus name, I ask for your help in this area.  Then maybe I can at least almost keep up with the rest of the family and not spoil their grand illusion of life that they are so good at living.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Faith and a Role of Duct Tape

It's been a while since I blogged on my site.  Life really gets busy when you have two school age children to deal with and a wife to please. Of course, I'm sure most of you already know this. 

No matter how bad things get here the family is still full of joy and the perspective that God must really be working on something really good for us.

We were on a short road trip recently, when a large truck time came out of nowhere and my wife ran over it, tearing off the plastic splash guard underneath the van. I had already started calling for a tow truck, when my wife stopped me.  "We have duct tape", she exclaimed. "what do we need a tow truck for?" 

The wife and kids are always looking for a challenge or some sort, and this was another perfect opportunity. 

As I accessed the damage, I informed them that mere duct tape was not going to fix the problem, but they insisted, so I stepped back and let them do their thing. 

While I watched them work, I wondered in my mind, how many miles would we get before the whole thing came off and whether we would be in an area where we could call for help the next time. 

Well, six hundred miles later, the duct tape was still holding up and I was embarrassed of my lack of faith, again.

My families faith and joy are always at their peak, while mine is always in the gutter.  Time after time again, I see what I would call miracles that seemed to be related to their faith and belief in God to take care of us.  Maybe it's time for me to examine my beliefs a little deeper and then maybe my joy would increase a lot more.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Try To Love One Another Right Now:

So, I’m going around read blog’s and I'm starting to wonder just how hard everybody's having it in life right now. The more I read these blog’s, the more it seems that most people are just flat out miserable.

Am I perceiving this right, or am I just being the pessimist that I am? It seems like everyone is fighting and disagreeing with each other not matter what the issue is. And it seems like some people are bent on converting the other person over to their way of thinking or just blowing them off.

Why can't people just love each other for who they are and respect them if they have different views about things?

Try and think about how it could be:

"Love is but a song we sing,
  and fear's the way we die.

You can make the mountains ring,
  or make the angels cry.

Though the bird is on the wing,
  and you may not know why.

Come on people now. Smile on your brother.
Everybody get together.
Try to love one another right now.

Some will come and some will go,
  and we shall surely pass.

When the one that left us here,
  Returns for us at last.

We are but a moment's sunlight,
  fading in the grass.

Come on people now, Smile on your brother.
Everybody get together.
Try to love one another right now.

If you hear the song we sing,
  you will understand.

You hold the key to love and fear,
  in your trembling hand.

Just one key unlocks them both.
  It's there at your command.

Come on people now, Smile on your brother.
Everybody get together,
Try to love one another right now".

Love and  Peace


Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Family Road Trip

I just returned home from a road trip with my family of optimists, and it was a nightmare for me (the pessimist). But for them, every problem and trial was a chance for adventure and excitement.

It started in Houston Texas, went through Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, and then round trip back through those same states.

We camped out in tents in some places, and just slept in the van in others. Then my wife and kids decided that camping out was too easy, and they decided to play “man vs wild” and just use whatever they could find in the wilderness to live on. I almost didn’t make it on those days, but they were in heaven.

At on place I finally found some people I could relate to. They put up a tent, cut out a place in the side of it, and then with duct tape installed a window type air conditioner. Then they used a gas generator to power it. Yeah, those are my kind of people. I visited them often.

Somehow my wife found her way to a park where you can dig and hunt for diamonds and keep whatever you find. Then she found a dinosaur park, a hot springs park, and some other kind of places to camp out that I couldn’t even find on the map.

In Branson, Missouri, at least, we stayed in a cabin on some property we had a timeshare on for 6 days.

Branson had all kind of Broadway type shows, malls, music entertainment, amusement parks, ect., but my family decided they would rather go fishing instead. Fishing!?? We could have done that at home.

While we were in Branson, MO, my wife was so impressed that she called her relatives back in Houston and some how convinced them to drive down to stay a week with us.

Finally, my wife’s relatives arrived and so we went to see some shows and do some things they wanted to do. My family almost got us thrown out of one show for smiling with flashing colored lights that fit into their mouths. The security people said it was distracting and blinding some of the performers on stage and causing them problems.

We took the scenic route on the way back home and I got car sick from riding up and down all the hills and mountains on the tiny roads we traveled on, but for the wife and kids it was just a free roller coaster ride and another adventure.

Somehow my wife figured out how to brew coffee on the road and campsites. That was the only thing that kept me going.

No food. No problem. They just stopped at the river on the side of the road and threw in some lines with their rods and reels and fished for trout. I think the locals there thought we we were a homeless family living out of our van, because they kept giving us the fish they caught and telling us they would pray for us. Well, we were in the middle of the bible belt, you know.

And going to the bathroom on a road trip. I won’t even go there.

Anyways, it’s good to be home.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Always Marry Your Best Friend:

After dating people of all different religions, atheist, different cultures, races, and in betweens, I had pretty much decided not to marry or commit to anyone. I was content just being single.

The guys in my church singles group used to go out and play pool all the time and we always entered nine ball tournaments together so that one of us would always win and then we used the prize money to go out and eat.

But one week a little Asian girl showed up at the tournament, and none of us could beat her. I asked her to teach me she always won so easily all the time and she stunned me by saying, ?I just pray to Jesus before every tournament, and I just always win if I do.? Then I found out she was using the prize money to buy food and other things for homeless people.

I started hanging out with her and we eventually became best buds, doing everything together (which was usually volunteering to help homeless people, helping abused women and orphans, usually things that she was already doing anyway.

If you ask her what religion she is she will tell you Buddhist, but she prays to Jesus (I don?t try and figure it out anymore, it just works for her).

Anyways, to try and make a long story short, I ended up marrying my best friend.

I don?t think there is anyone else on the planet earth that I could ever live with. And I don?t think there?s anyone else on earth who could live with and put up with me, so it works.

Moral of this long boring story. Maybe there is someone made just right for everyone. I don?t know for sure. A lot of people I know that have been married several or more times say they don?t think so.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Living with Angels

It always amazes me how much optimism my wife and kids have when “bad” things happen.

Like for instance, it was close to 100 degree’s today in Houston TX, and the electricity goes off. The first thing I say is “Man, were all going to die from heat exposure today.” But she says, “Yippee, lets have a barbecue and set up the tent outside.

The same thing happened when the hurricane hit us and took off part of our roof, one of the walls of the kids bedroom, and flooded the bottom floor of our house. Then, we hear the report that our water and electricity may be down for months. She and the kids were ecstatic with joy. She’s excited because she has been wanting to try out the new camping equipment we had bought and wanted the opportunity to teach the kids survival skills.

When the local airport reported they were building a new runway that would cause planes to be taking off and landing directly over our neighborhood, I whined about the noise it would cause. But she was jumping with joy and said, “Yea, now we don’t have to drive out to the airport gates to watch the planes takeoff and land. We can watch them from our back yard.”

No matter how bad things can get, she and the kids always find a ray of light out of it.

It’s good to live with angels. They always keep my spirits high and always keep me laughing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our First Church Experience:

After a couple of years into our marriage, and two kids along, we decided to take our family to a church here in Houston TX. My wife was nervous about it because she had never attended a Christian church service.

I picked one of the best known churches in Houston that was nationally known for their acceptance and compassion to others so she would feel extra welcome.

I told her how loving and wonderful these Christians were and that she could expect nothing but love and hugs.

She still was a little unsure, so we decided that she and the kids would go to the Family Life Center on the church campus and play games, shoot pool, and relax, while I went to the first bible study service to check it out before bringing them in with me to the main service.

After I dropped them off at the Family Life Center, I started walking down the side walk to the church building where the bible study held.

Now I didn’t see this part, but my wife and kids were watching from a window at the FLC building and this is what they saw A church security truck was making its rounds. When he saw me, my wife said he stopped his truck on a dime, jumped out of the truck and started running towards me (from behind).

He then tackled me from behind, picked me up and put me on a brick wall and began yelling loudly, “What is your business here?” “What are you doing here?” “How did you get in here?”

My wife and kids ran out to try and help me and see what was going on and when he saw them he started shouting the same things at them.

Finally, when I saw he wasn’t going to listen to any of us, I pulled rank on him and back him down, and he began calming down. But it was too late. The damage had been done. So much for my talk about Christian love and acceptance, huh?

But my wife’s reaction was, “Those people need help!” “We need to go back there and show them love and compassion.” And my kids agreed with her.

So the next Sunday there we were. Right back in the lion’s mouth. And she has served these people, given all her energy and love to them in ways you would never believe. But I think she has really helped a lot of damaged people who had been twisted by religion and legalism. She has worked miracles there.

The funny think is, I’m sure they all think she is a Christian just like them. If they only knew this person who has loved them and changed their lives around is Buddhist. What would they think?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Rescued by an Angel:

Rescued by my junior angel:

Last night I woke up feeling really sick and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I did what we all do. I got on the Internet to look up my symptoms. But I was so out of it, I couldn’t even think clear enough to do a search. My vision was also blurred, that I was really having problems doing anything.

It’s like 2:30 am in the morning, so I don’t want to wake up anyone. So while I flounder and struggle to even remember my password, I see a blurred vision walking toward me. Is it an angel sent from God to help me? Yes! It’s my little 9 year old Jr angel.

She can tell I’m ill and having problems functioning, so she gets under my arm and guides me to the couch and lays me down. Then she gets on line and looks up my symptoms on some medical sites. She check my temperature, blood pressure, looks at my eyes with a small flashlight and then gives me two Tylenol, some of the “pink” medicine for my stomach and puts a cool wet wash cloth on my head.

At 9 years old I didn’t know how to wet a washcloth. I especially didn’t know how to take someones temperature and blood pressure.

Next, she’s holding my wrist and taking my pulse.

In the middle of all of this “treatment”, I doze off back to sleep and wake up in the morning at my normal time and feeling fine. She’s still right there with me, wide awake.

She says to me, dad, I think you just got a hold of some bad food or ate something that didn’t agree with you. All your vitals are fine. Vitals? Where did she learn the word vitals, and what it means?

Then I remember the head angel, Sunshine (mom). Yep, she did a good job raising this one and I think she did the same with my other angel (my son). I’m the only one she’s having trouble with.

Yep, I’m the black sheep of the family, but you know, it’s good to be the black sheep in such good hands.

If anyone out there believes in answered prayers, please pray a pray for me. That I will become the Father and Husband I should be to my angels.


Always, Love & Peace........

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Happy Father's Day

Actually, I've had a happy Father's Day every day this month.
It seems that my kids are always doing something special for me every day.
One example of this was on 06/14/2009 at 2:3o am in the morning. I was up late writing and praying.....about not having any friends or a life...ect...ect...(you know).
All of a sudden I looked up to see my 9 yr old daughter standing in the doorway.
She walked over to me and handed me a notebook, gave me a hug and a kiss, and said "Dad, I love you" and then went back to her room.
The notebook was decorated with hearts and stars and writing saying, "To a special dad!! Happy Fathers day!!"
On the first page of the notebook she wrote:
"You are the best dad in the world. You want friends but you don't, because right now all you have is your family. You might think your old, and I do think your old too, because dads are supposed to be old. But you’re still cool. I love you dad!!" "I could not wait till Fathers Day."
God knows just what we need, when we need it, and so do our precious children.
Thank God for my family!