Just Another Day in Paradise

Just Another Day in Paradise
Just the crazy life of a neurotic father and husband married to an angel from Heaven and raising two wonderful gifted children.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our First Church Experience:

After a couple of years into our marriage, and two kids along, we decided to take our family to a church here in Houston TX. My wife was nervous about it because she had never attended a Christian church service.

I picked one of the best known churches in Houston that was nationally known for their acceptance and compassion to others so she would feel extra welcome.

I told her how loving and wonderful these Christians were and that she could expect nothing but love and hugs.

She still was a little unsure, so we decided that she and the kids would go to the Family Life Center on the church campus and play games, shoot pool, and relax, while I went to the first bible study service to check it out before bringing them in with me to the main service.

After I dropped them off at the Family Life Center, I started walking down the side walk to the church building where the bible study held.

Now I didn’t see this part, but my wife and kids were watching from a window at the FLC building and this is what they saw A church security truck was making its rounds. When he saw me, my wife said he stopped his truck on a dime, jumped out of the truck and started running towards me (from behind).

He then tackled me from behind, picked me up and put me on a brick wall and began yelling loudly, “What is your business here?” “What are you doing here?” “How did you get in here?”

My wife and kids ran out to try and help me and see what was going on and when he saw them he started shouting the same things at them.

Finally, when I saw he wasn’t going to listen to any of us, I pulled rank on him and back him down, and he began calming down. But it was too late. The damage had been done. So much for my talk about Christian love and acceptance, huh?

But my wife’s reaction was, “Those people need help!” “We need to go back there and show them love and compassion.” And my kids agreed with her.

So the next Sunday there we were. Right back in the lion’s mouth. And she has served these people, given all her energy and love to them in ways you would never believe. But I think she has really helped a lot of damaged people who had been twisted by religion and legalism. She has worked miracles there.

The funny think is, I’m sure they all think she is a Christian just like them. If they only knew this person who has loved them and changed their lives around is Buddhist. What would they think?

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