Just Another Day in Paradise

Just Another Day in Paradise
Just the crazy life of a neurotic father and husband married to an angel from Heaven and raising two wonderful gifted children.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Faith and a Role of Duct Tape

It's been a while since I blogged on my site.  Life really gets busy when you have two school age children to deal with and a wife to please. Of course, I'm sure most of you already know this. 

No matter how bad things get here the family is still full of joy and the perspective that God must really be working on something really good for us.

We were on a short road trip recently, when a large truck time came out of nowhere and my wife ran over it, tearing off the plastic splash guard underneath the van. I had already started calling for a tow truck, when my wife stopped me.  "We have duct tape", she exclaimed. "what do we need a tow truck for?" 

The wife and kids are always looking for a challenge or some sort, and this was another perfect opportunity. 

As I accessed the damage, I informed them that mere duct tape was not going to fix the problem, but they insisted, so I stepped back and let them do their thing. 

While I watched them work, I wondered in my mind, how many miles would we get before the whole thing came off and whether we would be in an area where we could call for help the next time. 

Well, six hundred miles later, the duct tape was still holding up and I was embarrassed of my lack of faith, again.

My families faith and joy are always at their peak, while mine is always in the gutter.  Time after time again, I see what I would call miracles that seemed to be related to their faith and belief in God to take care of us.  Maybe it's time for me to examine my beliefs a little deeper and then maybe my joy would increase a lot more.

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