Just Another Day in Paradise

Just Another Day in Paradise
Just the crazy life of a neurotic father and husband married to an angel from Heaven and raising two wonderful gifted children.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lessons We Learn From Children:

We had a major catastrophe in our home recently.  My wife’s precious Apple computer stopped working (lol).  Well, it was a major catastrophe for her.  She teaches graphics, web design, animation, and a bunch of other stuff, but it’s over my head.

Anyways, she had taken the computer to school to have the support tech. division look at it and gotten some bad news. They said the hard drive was scratched and some other things that I don’t really understand, but in short, the computer was trashed.

I tried to console my wife with “Maybe God has a plan. Good will come out of this.  You know, the useless things men say when their trying to fix a problem, but we usually make it worse.

Then my 14 year old son says to me, “Dad, why don’t we just pray and ask God to fix it?” I explained to him that God would love to fix our computer for us be he has given us a brain, the ability to reason, and talent so we can do it ourselves.  I told him, “In a way he does fix it by giving us everything we need to do it ourselves.

So days went by while the wife and I used our talent, logic, and our great ability of our minds to try and fix the computer, but as the repair tech. had said, “It was trashed.”

So, we gave up, and moved on to other priorities that needed our attention.

That evening, our 14 year old came to us and said, “Your computers fixed mom, if you want to use it.” We looked at each other and then slowly walked to our office room. And there it was, booted up and working like it was brand new.

I asked my son, “What did you do to fix it?” “Nothing” he said.  “I just prayed that God would fix it for mom as a mother’s day present. Then I just turned it on and it worked.”

Lesson 1 to dad: God cares even about the little things in your life.

Lesson 2 to dad: “For nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)

I began immediately looking for my favorite fishing reel that had broken down and quit working, but then I heard a voice in my head say, “Don’t test me!”

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