Just Another Day in Paradise

Just Another Day in Paradise
Just the crazy life of a neurotic father and husband married to an angel from Heaven and raising two wonderful gifted children.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Puppies: One of God's Most Special Blessings

Last Christmas Eve our neighbor’s dog gave birth to the most precious litter of puppies.  The already owned many dogs, and this was an unplanned even, so they were going to send these to the pound.

To make a long story short, we ended up adopting the whole litter.  I admit, they were precious puppies….at first. Then they grew up, each into his/her own personality, temperament, and with the ability to poop and pee in places that I didn’t even know existed.  They learned quickly though. They learned how to chew up expensive things, cords, ipods, chairs, couches, and things that we valued while leaving the trash and unimportant things in tact.

But despite their downfalls, we learned to love and adore these precious creatures of God. These angels sent to us from heaven, love you no matter how you treat them. They are always happy to see you even when nobody else is.  The person who labeled them as “mans best friend” knew what he was talking about.

As time went by, we ended up rescuing several other dogs that were put out in boxes next to the trash with a sign “free puppies” attached to it. Another puppy we took in was just abandoned and left to wander aimlessly trying to find food in trash cans or anywhere else he could find a free meal.  Several of these puppies grew up to be monsters in size, but in heart they were still babies needing someone to look after them.

Shots and veterinarian bills have been expensive.  Food, toys, bedding, houses, and gates take up a lot of money.  Some months we haven’t been able to make our house and utility payments because of the expenses involved. Yet, God blessed us and always found a way to meet our needs. 

Sometimes I think these precious creatures are angels sent to teach us things.  Things like how to love unconditionally without any real reason other than to make our home and the world a better place to live.

Now we don’t know how we lived without them in our lives.  People come and go, but puppies are puppies for life.

Try to remember to love one another the way a dog loves. If we can just learn that, it’s all we will ever need in life. 

May the love and peace of God bless your home the same way we have been blessed.

And remember; Jesus.  When everything else fails, He doesn’t. 

Peace Be With You,


Sunday, July 3, 2011

An Act of God?

Have you ever become so desperate that you prayed to God for a piece of dead pieces of metal and chips to be healed?

I have several times. 

And I finally admitted to God that I really didn’t know if I believed he interacted and fixed them or if I believed it was just a coincidence that they began working again by chance.  

So when my only laptop crashed and died (No lights, no signs of life whatever), I asked God if he could fix it this time by some kind of miraculous method.  That He would do something special to let me know He really interacted and responded to my prayer and that it didn’t just start working again because of chance.

So after the experts confirmed it was dead with no chance of a resurrection, I took it home and prayed that prayer. 

In Houston, TX the weather forecast was, “Sunny with no chance of any precipitation.”

While I was praying for my laptop, it suddenly became dark and thunder and lightning began to shake the house.  Then rain came down like hail and flooded the yard so much that water was coming in under the back doors. 

All of the sudden, the power went out and we were all sitting in the dark while the thunder, lightning and rain continued. All of a sudden there was this huge strike of lightning that felt like it hit the house and the power came back on right after it hit. 

A few seconds after that happened, my computer rebooted itself, started up and went to my home page.  The computer was working like nothing had ever happened to it and it was completely functional.  

Next, the rain and thunder and lightning stopped and the sun came out shining bright and as I looked out, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.  

I immediately called my wife who was at her relative’s house about 15 minutes away and asked her if it was still raining over there.

She responded, “What rain?”  She said she was working in the yard and there was no sign of rain.  Then she reminded me of the current weather forecast, which said “Sunny and clear.”

Let me just ask you, “What do you think happened?”

Honestly, I’m still not sure.